Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Saaaaaaandy, Cantcha See? I'm in Miseryyyyy

Bonus points to whomever can name the musical my title is derived from.  But seriously, suck it, Hurricane Sandy.  You are such a piece of crap.  You destroyed my favorite shore town. You left me in the dark for a week.  I'm going on five days with no heat, hot water, or use of my stove/oven.  You totaled my friend's car.  Set fire to another friend's apartment building.  Gave me a three hour commute to work.  You killed a bunch of people.  Left a HUGE number of people homeless.  You cancelled the NYC Marathon.  You made Chris Christie use the word "hunker" more than I thought humanly possible.


This past week and a half has been awful, and now I'm looking out my office window at snow.  SNOW.  Will it ever end?  This is getting seriously ridiculous. 

But, as the purpose of this blog is to talk about marathon training, I'm gonna talk about marathon training.  This hurricane has affected my marathon training.  Negatively.  If the boat in the above picture wasn't enough of an indicator, I will now tell you that although I WAS able to get 10 miles in last Saturday, I haven't done any of my weekday short runs in about two weeks.  Speaking of my last long run, I took both the boat picture and this picture along the way: 

I took this picture at around noon on Saturday.  On a beautiful Saturday on the waterfront in Hoboken.  This area is usually overrun with people on a day like that, and there was NO ONE.  THERE.  It was creepy, and this storm successfully derailed my attempt at gaining some normalcy by running, even after it was over.  So in conclusion, and to repeat my first point, Sandy:  YOU CAN GO F YOURSELF.  And as I run the Trenton Half Marathon on Saturday, I shall pretend that the pavement is your dumb whore face, and I'll stomp the crap out of it for 13.1 miles and approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes.




  1. haha, very angry post. and the musical is Grease. and I laughed at the boat on your running route.

  2. Caitlin,
    I just finished reading this entire blog from when you first decided to do the Disney marathon until now. You are hysterical! I think you missed your calling - you should have been a comedy writer. I enjoyed every post thoroughly. I am writing this on Nov. 13th -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!Love, Mom

    1. Thanks, Mom!! I wish I could be a comedy writer, but I may be lacking the credentials. Glad I was able to entertain you!!
