Tuesday, July 24, 2012

You Know that We are Living in a Material World

I like stuff.  Stuff is fun.  It's cool to go find stuff, hand over some pictures of dead guys, then take stuff home with you.  This is not to say I'm completely materialistic, I just really enjoy stuff.  New stuff especially.  So last Friday, I took a short stroll from work to The Running Company and picked up this gem:

I've been thinking about getting one of these bad boys for a few weeks now.  It's nice to have a way to easily glance down and check my time/distance without having to go through all of the unlocking, sliding, app finding, and opening I have to with my phone (plus I don't want my precious iPhone to shatter).  I couldn't tell you how excited I was to run on Saturday morning (even after a particularly boozy company outing to the Mets/Dodgers game at Citi Field Friday night) and test out my new toy.  I ran 8.5 miles and barely felt it at all because I was having so much fun looking at my right wrist and watching the miles, calories, and seconds tick up for a full 1 hour 28 minutes and 35 seconds.  This is why, especially for a runner, stuff is great.  It can make you so excited about going for a run, and that excitement is crucial if you want training to be fun and productive.  That said, I've compiled a list the stuff (besides my Garmin) that I own that has previously gotten or does currently get me excited to hit the pavement.  In no particular order:

I'm terrible at hydrating myself.  The entire time I was training for the Broad Street 10 Mile I didn't carry water with me ONCE.  This time it will be different.  I brought this with me on my 8 1/2 mile run on Saturday and I was SO glad to have it.  Plus, look how pretty that blue is!

These are the only shorts in the world that do not ride up in every possible way.  Also the only shorts that do not induce the dreaded chub rub.  I have three pairs.  I need more.  While we're at it.... Gap's "Breathe" line of tank tops and tshirts are phenomenal too. 

RUN:Swiftly Tech LS
Oh my, this shirt.  There are few items of clothing I own that I love more than this shirt.  Obviously I'm not using it much right now in the middle of July, but in March, this thing was spectacular.  And, come on, THUMB HOLES. 

I love my shoes.  So much.  Especially now that I just recently washed them.  Roundhouse kicking a bag in it's rib cage a hundred or so times a week really makes your shoes dirty, but now they're sparkling clean.  These aren't the EXACT shoes I have. The mesh on mine is white and the gray overlay is much lighter, but you get the idea.  Also, the foot pod for my Garmin fits right into a little slot underneath of the left insole.  Unfortunately, these are fast approaching the end of their life.  I'll likely need to get new shoes between my two half marathons this fall.  I think that these particular Nike Free Run 3's are in the cards for me. 

Pinned Image
And finally... I don't actually have this yet, but I want to get one or make one.  My bibs are just sitting in a drawer in my bedroom.  I don't have many as of now, but they're swiftly increasing in number and I'd love a spot to put them where I can look over and feel some sort of accomplishment.  Plus, farther distance races usually have medals, so I need a place to fling my bling.  That was awful.  I apologize.

So that's about it for now.  I'm sure as I get further into training I'll find about a zillion running related things that I just HAVE to have.  And I'm sure the subsequent runs will be awesome.  But for now, these are the things keeping me excited to run.  Hmmm... food and merchandise.  What a consumer I am.  AMERICA!

You're Welcome, Economy,


Thursday, July 19, 2012


I did not stick to my training schedule AT ALL this week, but I will still get every last workout I had planned done (so help me Hosanna in the Highest*).  My calendar (and the sidebar of this blog) had me running 4 miles on Monday.  NOPE.  I had the Party with Purpose 5k scheduled for Tuesday, so I went to kickboxing instead.  Tuesday came around, and when I was at the starting line of the race I realized that, NOPE, I won't be making up for that 4 miles I didn't run the day before as 3.1 miles ≠ 4 miles.  Then yesterday at around 4:00pm, the windows on the trading floor at work went dark and a MASSIVE storm showed up.  Hail, huge gusts of wind, thunder, lightning... all of it.  Luckily it didn't delay my transit home and I made it there in plenty of time to get to 6:30 kickboxing class.  NOPE.  Gym + flood waters = closed gym.  I was bummed.  I wanted to punch a bag in it's face, and I didn't get to.  So as I moped on the couch last night, I vowed to myself that I would wake up at 5am to get my 6 miles in before work. Alarm went off at 4:45am... I shut it off... backup alarm went off at 5am.  I hit snooze.  I laid there for a grand total of 30 seconds before I did a mental face slap (then a real one to wake myself up) and said NOPE I am not gonna disappoint myself.  So I did it.  I ran 6 miles at ass o'clock in the morning on a weekday.  Unheard of for me.  Then, when the announcer lady in my headphones told me I had hit 6 miles, I ran another .9 to make up for Monday/Tuesday.  BOOM.  Now, all that's left for me is 8 miles on Saturday, then kickboxing on Sunday to make up for the non-kickboxing Wednesday and I am golden.  Take that, wrenches in my plan, you've been eradi-CAIT-ed


Awwwww Yeah.

Still Happy with Myself,


*Speaking of...  From the ages of approximately 42 days old until I was 18, I went to church at LEAST once a week.  For a large chunk of that it was twice, since my Catholic grade school required us to go to mass every Friday as well as Sundays.  Not to mention monthly "liturgy" at Catholic high school.  But (apologies, God) I can't say I've gone to church more than 10 times since I graduated high school.  A couple of weeks ago I went to a friend's wedding in which the ceremony included a full Catholic mass.  For the most part, I was boppin' along getting a real hit of nostalgia as I mouthed along with the priest during the consecration.  But then... something happened.  He said something different!!  I was completely thrown off as THEY'VE CHANGED THE WORDS TO CHURCH!  Can they do that?!?!  I was pissed.  Thus ends my rant the ol' RC Church not keeping mass as it was in 1996, sorry if it was a bit irreverent.  I'll go to confession.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Excuses, Excuses

I am the best.  Really, I am.   Friday night, Jay and I went down to Deleware for a fun beach weekend with my college friends.  Because of this, I had countless reasons to skip my long Saturday run. I was in a strange place, I had been up until 2am the night before, drinks were involved, it was hot... and I'm sure there are more.  But I DID IT, dammit.  I woke up to a very quiet beach house at 7:09am, got dressed, and walked my GapFIT attired self out the door and onto the pavement for what turned out to be a really nice 6 mile jog in Ocean View, DE.   I kept up about a 10 minute mile the whole time, and was back at the house in plenty of time to enjoy a long beach day and beyond with my friends.  So basically, I'm pretty happy with myself.

"I'm that star up in the sky I'm that mountain peak up high,
Hey I made it, I'm the World's Greatest."

I will attempt a continuation of being awesome tomorrow night when I participate in the Party with Purpose 5k.  I'd love to finish in under a half hour, but we'll just have to see whether or not my greatness has a limit.  I'd like to think that it does not.

From the Mouthpiece of my Own Horn,


PS-- In regards to my previous post, I have secured reservations at Le Cellier.  BRING ON THE CHEDDAR CHEESE SOUP. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Payoff

Yesterday, I officially booked my 5 day 4 night stay at Disney's Polynesian Resort for marathon week.  My sister, Alison, who will be running along side me, Jay, who will be cheering us on from the sidelines, and I will be checking in on January 12th.  Alison and I will run a quick 26.2 miles that Sunday morning, then we'll all be hitting the parks.  I love Disney World.  My family is (somewhat) fresh off of a 4 day stay at Bay Lake Tower this past Thanksgiving, and I've been dying to get back ever since for the rides, shows, atmosphere, and most of all, the FOOD.  GLORIOUS FOOD. 

By my calculations, I'll be burning somwhere in the realm of 3,000 calories on race day.  I plan on taking those calories back.  And quickly.  By force if necessary.  I've compiled a list in my head of items that I MUST consume during those 5 days in the 407.  It's time to put them on paper.  Thanks to my favorite blog of all time, The Disney Food Blog, I can show you every morsel of food (and one drink) that I will be stuffing down my gullet in 185 days.  So here goes. In the order of "Yeah, I'm totally gonna eat that", to "I'm gonna build a Scrooge McDuck Vault, fill it with this food, put on some swim trunks, and do laps in it":

#10:  Frozen Banana with Nuts, all parks.  Now, this obviously isn't a strictly "Disney" food, but the first time I had one of these bad boys was in 2002 when I was strolling through Animal Kingdom with my high school softball team (Go Irish.).  Since then, this frozen monkey fodder on a stick has become synonymous with the House that Walt Built.  So, yeah, I'm totally gonna eat that. 

Photo Credit:  Erin Foster, Disney Food Blog

#9:  Hot Dog from Casey's Corner at the Magic Kingdom, Main Street.  Ok so not so much the hot dog itself, but more that glorious bright orange goodness in the top righthand corner of the below picture.  That is cheese. Melty, liquid, lava-hot cheese that comes out of a faucet-like pump.  God knows what KIND of cheese it is, or if it even has any real cheese in it, but that stuff slathered over a Casey's Corner plain hot dog is off the CHAIN.  (Or should I say, leash?).  So, oh yeah, I'm totally gonna eat that.

Photo Credit:  Chef Big Fat Panda, Disney Food Blog

#8:  Grey Goose Lemon Citron Slush at Epcot, France Pavillion. Oh my.  I had this deliciousness on my last trip to the Dis.  It is no joke.  It's Grey Goose vodka (obviously) and some sort of lemony-citrusy flavor blended into a smooth icy adult beverage.  Now, admittedly I drank this immediately after I finished a very large Radeberger Pilsener at the Germany Pavillion, so I was feeling the effects of the beer in conjunction with the slushie, but this drink was boozier than I expected.  Boozy, refreshing, and delicious.  Perfect way to unwind after running for 4 1/2-5 hours, yes?  So, you better believe, I'm totally gonna drink that.
Photo Credit:  Disney Food Blog

#7:  Mickey Premium Ice Cream Bar, all parks.  No explanation needed.  If you go to Disney World and don't eat this adorableness, you might be a complete whackadoo. So yeah, I'm not crazy, and I'll totally be eating that.

Photo Credit:  Disney Food Blog

#6:  Egg Roll at Animal Kingdom, Anandapur Local Food Cafe.  Egg rolls are egg rolls in my opinion.  There isn't too much that distinguishes one from the other.  But I must say that this one is distinguishable.  It's greasier than most egg rolls, which to some would be a turnoff, but I think it's what makes this one so good. Throw in the fact that you're in one of the most impeccably themed sections on Disney property and you got yourself a nice little snackeroo of fried cylindrical asian goodness.   So, shì, I'm totally gonna eat that.
Photo Credit:  Disney Food Blog

#5:  Turkey Leg, all parks.  Now, I've never actually eaten one of these because, in reality, they are menacing and kind of gross looking.  But the fact that I have never even had a BITE of one is what intrigues me.  It's quintessential Disney.  I like Disney.  I like turkey.  I like prentending to be Fred Flintstone.  So I gotta do it.  This will be the trip.  So, yeah, if Alison helps, I'm totally gonna eat that. 

Photo Credit:  Illuminating Epcot

#4:  Tonga Toast at the Polynesian Resort, Kona Cafe and Captain Cook's.  This is another treat that I have never actually eaten, but it is most definitely happening this time.  I'm staying at the Polynesian, so it will be readily available.  Tonga Tost is, as I understand, banana-stuffed french toast coated in cinnamon sugar, then deep fried.  Yep.  Sounds like a perfect way to start the day to me.  So, heavens to Betsy, I'm totally gonna eat that.

Photo Credit:  Disney Food Blog

#3:  Giant Peanut Butter Oreo Cookie at the Magic Kingdom, Main St. Confectionary.  This may have been the greatest sweet treat I have ever eaten.  It is ACTUAL Oreo chocolate filled with an impossible to describe peanut buttery center.  I absolutely HOUSED mine last time.  The cookie was just the tiniest bit softer than a normal Oreo, which is the epitome of perfection. I'd like to build a sword out of these and swallow it creepy sideshow style.  So, sweet Lord Baby Jesus in a barn, I'm totally gonna eat at LEAST two of these. 
Photo Credit:  Disney Food Blog

#2:  Fried Chicken at Fort Wilderness, Hoop Dee Doo Revue.  Now, as far as this list goes, this item is a bit of a cheat.  You see, I'm not actually going to get any of this as Hoop Dee Doo sadly won't fit into our schedule/budgets this trip.  But this fried chicken.  Oh this fried chicken.  I would fry MYSELF if I were first dredged in whatever the heck it is they put on this stuff.  It is by far the juciest, crispiest, most flavorful fried chicken on the planet.  I DARE you to find better fried chicken.  You won't.  Stop trying.  So, yeah, (if time/money allowed), I would totally eat ~16 silver pails of that.

Photo Credit:  Disney Food Blog

#1:  Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup at Epcot, Le Cellier, Canada Pavillion.  This is another one I've never had, which may make it seem odd to some that this is at #1 on my list.  But it's cheddar cheese.  In soup form. And I recall saying that I'd rank these in order of  "Yeah, I'm totally gonna eat that", to "I'm gonna build a Scrooge McDuck Vault, fill it with this food, put on some swim trunks, and do laps in it", so this is the one.  I don't even have to taste it to know.  Every single last reivew I've read on this stuff (and I've read many) has made it akin to liquid gold.  It can apparently be blamed for Le Cellier reservations being harder to come by than a Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes marriage contract (topicaaaallll!!).  I cannot wait to shove my post-marathon face into a steaming bowl of this stuff.  This soup is the reason why I will be wide awake at my computer at midnight on July 16th (Disney suggests making your dining reservations 180 days before your trip, and this one especially WILL fill up if I don't take that suggestion) to make a reservation at Le Cellier.  So yeah, you had better believe I will eat the absolute CRAP out of that.  And I'll probably never be the same again.
Photo Credit:  Disney Food Blog, Photoshop Credit:  Alison

So, there you have it.  10 reasons why I'm running this marathon.  Forget getting in shape and the feeling of accomplishment.  These are the best reasons I have.

Bon Apetit,


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Elliptical... Does it Count?

This dog is a cheater:

He ran more than I did yesterday though, considering that yesterday I ran no miles.  I elliptical-ed three.  So here is my conundrum:  does it count?  I know for sure that it counts as a workout.  I burned more calories than I would have if I ran 3 miles at 6 MPH on the treadmill, and I had to stay on the elliptical about 10 minutes longer than I would have stayed on the treadmill to reach those 3 miles, but is it good enough to allow me to cross off the three miles I was supposed to run yesterday? 

When I got to the very small gym in my apartment building yesterday, it was packed.  Shame on me for thinking it was ok to get my run in after work on a Monday at what appears to be peak workout time.  The only piece of cardio equipment available to me was an elliptical, and the two girls taking up the the treadmills looked like they'd Jesse Spano-ed themselves to get there:

So it was unlikely they'd be leaving anytime soon.  My only option was the elliptical or outside, and outside wasn't gonna work cuz I had brought a bottle of water, my iPhone, and my entire set of keys down to the gym with me.  I couldn't very well carry all that on my pocket-less self for a 3 mile run.  Elliptical it was.  I was sweating like a madman for 40 minutes and my thighs felt like they were being slow roasted.


Therefore, to answer my own question, YES.  It does count.  The only difference between ellipticaling and treadmilling  was the lack of impact on my already damaged knees and hips.  My heartrate was up, the sweat was flowing, and I traversed the virtual three miles I intended to.  July 9th- 3 miles = CHECK.  And if you disagree you can bite me.  Right in the original recipe chicken thigh.

I'm SO Excited,


Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm in Trouble (a supplement to my previous post)

My phone is broken.  It just will NOT turn on.  My phone is the vessel used to listen to 90s Pop Hits on Pandora while I'm on the treadmill, and I'm petrified that I won't be able to run a measley three miles this afternoon due entirely to lack of Savage Garden. 

Saturday was another glorious run.  Did five miles and probably could've done another two or three.  Especially since when I hit 4.72 miles one of my favorite 90s jams of all time came on:

C+C Music Facotry- Everybody Dance Now
(this is not the official video, but slugs are singing this version, so don't complain.)

I guess I'll just have to suck it up today and listen to Nicki Minaj or something.  Ugh.  And I guess I'll go to the AT&T store to see if they can fix my runing motivation that also happens to make phone calls.

Jump to the Rhythm Jump Jump to the Rhythm Jump,


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thank God for the 90s

I had an amazing run yesterday.  4 miles on the treadmill (which I usually can't stand), but yesterday it was a breeze.  I have my 90s Pop Hits Pandora Radio station to thank entirely.  Usually I spend the entire time on the treadmill looking down at my mileage counting down the seconds (or hudreths of a mile) until I can get off the damn thing.  But thanks to 90s pop, I was in such a glorious state of musical bliss that I didn't even glance down until I was at 3.75.  The following is a selection of the wondrousness I experienced:

Backstreet Boys- Show me the Meaning of Being Lonely

Len- Steal My Sunshine

Alannis Morrisette-   You Oughta Know

Haddaway-  What is Love

NSync-- Tearin up my Heart

Ace of Base-  All that she Wants

Spice Girls- Wannabe

It.  Was.  Wonderful.  I don't think I'll ever go on another run without this station ever again.  Luckily there was nobody else in the gym yesterday because I spent the entire 45 minutes lipsynching along (I would've actually tried singing, but you lose a lot of valuable breath that way... besides, I had spent the entire morning singing in the kitchen to the same station, so at least Jay got to hear my awesome rendition of LFO's Summergirls.  Oh and Always Be My Baby by Mariah Carey.  He was most impressed with my runs.  Singing runs.  Not running runs.  Or any other kind of runs for that matter). 

I've found my running muse.  Nothing can stop me now.  Except maybe if I'll Be Missing You by Puff Daddy and Faith Evans featuring 112 comes on.  Cuz then I'll just have to curl up into a ball in a dark alleyway and weep. 

I'll Steal your Honey Like I Stole your Bike,


**Disclaimer-- all of these videos are from YouTube.  I wanted to post the official videos for all of the songs, but most of those are too big for Blogger's ridiculously small video player.** 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Success! (and my small head)

I successfully completed my run in the morning today!  Pay no attention to the fact that I was asked to work 9-6 this week instead of my usual 8-5, so I woke up to my regularly scheduled alarm clock and was able to get a quick 2.5 miles in.  It was still pre-work, ok?  It was a fast 2.5 miles too.  I did it in about 22 mins (anything under a 10 minute mile is lightning for me).  I have got to figure out what to do with my hair for running and kickboxing though.  I have short hair that fits ok into a ponytail aside from my sideswept bangs and some little pieces in the back.  Unfortunately for me, I have an orange-sized head (ok, more like clementine-sized) and I have difficulty finding headbands that will stay on my abnormally tiny noggin.  I essentially looked like this on the treadmill this morning:

"Everyone will suffer."

I think the only option that has been foolproof in the past is pre wrap.  That stuff got me through many a field hockey/rugby/softball/soccer/basketball game in my heyday.  Here's hoping they stock it at one of the drug stores on my long walk home from the train station, cuz I am NOT walking 6 blocks and an avenue in this heat to get to the Third Avenue Sports Authority.  I already did my sweating today, thanks.

Pinheadedly yours,