Wednesday, July 24, 2013

That Toddling Town

This past weekend, Jay and I made our first ever journey to Chicago.  WHY didn't somebody tell me sooner how awesome that city is?  It's beautiful, it's clean, the people are friendly, it's not overcrowded, the hot dogs are heavenly, and it has beaches IN the city.  If it weren't for what I hear are absolutely unbearable winters, I'd be the hell outta dirty, mean, suffocatingly crowded NYC in a New York milisecond. 

LAKE Michigan?!  More like OCEAN Michigan

Saturday morning I woke up around 7:15am (Central Time) to get in a 7-8 mile training run.  Now, last time I had an "away" running situation, things didn't go great for me.  I took a work trip to Beverly Hills, CA at the end of April, and attempted a 12 miler.  It wasn't spectacular.  I didn't know that there are few to no sidewalks in LA, didn't know that there is SERIOUS traffic on Sunset Boulevard, and didn't know (but should've guessed) that Beverly HILLS ain't flat.  I ultimately ended up getting VERY lost, VERY tired, and, after a VERY large nosedive onto the sidewalk in front of a multi-million dollar mansion, slightly bloodied:


Chicago was a different story entirely.  Aside from my Garmin's inability to pick up a GPS signal, it was one of the best runs I've had in a long long time.  The trail along Lake Michigan has some seriously awesome views and a magnificent breeze (a welcome relief from the 150% humidity in the NY-metro area these days).  There was no sign of the leg pain I've been experiencing off and on since the marathon, I kept up a <10 minute mile pace the whole time, and I saw this lady, who was awesome: 

Her son was running a few yards ahead in a Batman cape.

When I was approaching the end of my run, I snapped this picture and decided that running really is one of the best ways to explore somewhere new. 

Add to that great run an incredibly fun weekend of beautiful weather, being touristy, eating Chicago style hot dogs and deep dish pizza, and cruising along on the El Train... it is safe to say that we had a pretty fabulous first trip to The Windy City.  

We'll be back, Chicago,


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