Monday, October 15, 2012

First Half Marathon: Check.

Well, I did it (we did it, actually, as Alison ran with me)!  And it went better than I thought it would.  Yesterday morning was the Seaside Half Marathon.  It was a very flat out and back along the ocean in Seaside Park, NJ with a little over 1000 participants.  Apart from a fairly boring ~7 mile stretch along a tree/dune lined road in Island Beach State Park, it was pretty enjoyable.  I felt good the whole way and only slowed a little at about the 7 or 8 mile mark, but never walked or stopped.  I call that a win.  I also call finishing under my goal time of 2:10 at 2:08:35 a win.  So yayy for my first half completed.  Boo for the fact that my watch has been off distance-wise this whole time I've been training.  When I finished it had the mileage at 13.97, not 13.1, so that sucks.  But at least I know now to tack on an extra bit to be sure I make the required mileage for training runs.  Oh well.  Happy to have finished.  Ecstatic to have beaten my goal.  Petrified to run twice that distance in January.  I leave you with this Instagrammed-up picture of my bib from yesterday.

Trenton Half Marathon is next!  26 Days until then, 89 days until Disney!  Oh, also registering for a little Turkey Trot 5k on Thanksgiving morning.  Chances of running hungover and/or still a a few sheets to the wind from the night before:  high.



1 comment:

  1. Hooray! We did it! Great job CQ! I don't know about you, but I could have used someone with me around miles 11/12. Maybe we should stick together the whole time next race.
