Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm in Trouble (a supplement to my previous post)

My phone is broken.  It just will NOT turn on.  My phone is the vessel used to listen to 90s Pop Hits on Pandora while I'm on the treadmill, and I'm petrified that I won't be able to run a measley three miles this afternoon due entirely to lack of Savage Garden. 

Saturday was another glorious run.  Did five miles and probably could've done another two or three.  Especially since when I hit 4.72 miles one of my favorite 90s jams of all time came on:

C+C Music Facotry- Everybody Dance Now
(this is not the official video, but slugs are singing this version, so don't complain.)

I guess I'll just have to suck it up today and listen to Nicki Minaj or something.  Ugh.  And I guess I'll go to the AT&T store to see if they can fix my runing motivation that also happens to make phone calls.

Jump to the Rhythm Jump Jump to the Rhythm Jump,


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